1 Minute Ponziani Trap

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  1. bruh the moment we make any move like taking a rook its checkmate queen to f2 is a checkmate

  2. 𝔸𝖒𝖕𝖍𝖎𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊[JustGotIsekaid] says:

    What if opponent decides to play bishop d7?

  3. I played this but my opponent played c3 attacking my pawn instead of my knight

  4. This is so terribly unlikely in an actual game.

  5. Why queen didnt take the b7 pawn, just sacrifice the king

  6. What if they attack the knight with f6 instead of d6?

  7. What do you mean when saying "there's no way your opponent can get in the way" after bishop B6?? I see 4 pieces that can block and have backup 🧐

  8. Bro speedrun his pawn to promote

  9. But what if they do Nxf2? Forking rook and queen. Take with king?

  10. Literally took me 20 games at 1500 to at least once get that position

  11. After learning about the ponziani, I never got to play as the white pieces

  12. My 500 ELO dumbass: What do you do after promoting?

    Me later realizing it's a royal fork: Surprised pikachu face

  13. Im a chess noob so I don't understand when you say there's nothing your opponent can move to block. Why can't he block with pawn, bishop or queen? Lol. I'm. So lost. Help!!!

  14. Be careful with this. If they block your bishop check with knight c6 and you still go for your pawn promotion, black has mate in one with queen f2

  15. gotham can we do the same with the queen?

  16. That’s cold 🥶but what if queen takes pawn. Nvm I didn’t notice king was in check 😂

  17. Putting the knight there is a little bit dangerous… Happens to loose the game within 10 moves.

  18. Why does he play Queen d6 instead of capturing with the pawn

  19. I thought you said the N-word after he said E4

  20. Dang I hate when people teach about the traps I’ve already been using, awareness makes them less effective

  21. I tried this , instead of moving pawn to d6
    He moved pawn to c6 first

  22. You know your dead when your opponent promotes to a knight instead of a queen 💀

  23. Yea but what if they move their other knife first

  24. I want to see how gotham plays polish opening with caro kann defends

  25. Bishop c5 left the chat once u push pawn to attack knight

  26. Every time i try to do the move i saw in video in any match my opponent will not do the moves

  27. I studied this, tried to play it. My opponents don't play the moves I want waar do I do

  28. the queen or bishop
    knight takes which ever
    the other takes knight
    white bishop takes that
    king takes white bishop

  29. My opponents almost never move the knight to E7 after pawn D5. They go A5.

  30. Taking this pawn is a little bit dangerous I wonder what would happen if the pawn takes d5

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