5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Bishop’s Opening

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🔹 The Unbeatable Bishop’s Opening (simple and powerful) –
🔹 4 Quick Checkmates In The Bishop’s Opening –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you the 5 best chess opening traps in the Bishop’s Opening, which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4. White attacks Black’s f7-square and prevents Black from advancing their d-pawn to d5. This opening has the ECO codes (Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings) C23 and C24. 

GM Igor Smirnov presents to you traps for both White and Black sides in this video lesson. 

📥 Download the PGN of these traps here –

► Chapters

00:00 Intro to Bishop’s Opening Traps
00:19 Trap-1: Powerful trap for Black
02:29 Black wins everything
03:00 Sideline of trap-1
04:09 Trap-2: White plays the gambit
07:06 Trap-3: White checkmates with minor pieces
07:57 Trap-4: Black counterattacks in the center
10:00 What a beautiful checkmate!!
10:29 Trap-5: Be careful if you are White

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  1. Hey I played black in trap one against someone, and he moved his white Queen to F3 threatening mate instead of retreating his bishop to b3. There was no way to win the piece. Does the trap not work unless he retreats his bishop?

  2. Really like openings that could be played aggressively but also could be transformed into solid variation if needed.. Nice lesson thanks a lot!

  3. You have got 5 or so videos with Bishops opening: traps and so on. but they all refer to Nf6 move of black while in reality in 10 out 10 games they play Nc6 and it all transfers into classic Italian game which is boring as hell and ussually losing to White or simply drawish cause there is no way to win. So this opening is useless

  4. ► Chapters

    00:00 Intro to Bishop's Opening Traps

    00:19 Trap-1: Powerful trap for Black

    02:29 Black wins everything

    03:00 Sideline of trap-1

    04:09 Trap-2: White plays the gambit

    07:06 Trap-3: White checkmates with minor pieces

    07:57 Trap-4: Black counterattacks in the center

    10:00 What a beautiful checkmate!!

    10:29 Trap-5: Be careful if you are White

  5. Sweet videos!! Love your content! I make chess videos here on YouTube if you ever get time check me out! 😈

  6. More bad chess, no real chess analysis … one of my students called these videos:
    "Chess propaganda!"

    I.e., if you don't do alot of work with a chess engine …
    on your own …
    and you depend completely on videos like this, the following statement is both a maxim and a chess fact:

  7. Thanks for the opening traps for my favorite opening 🙂

  8. I applaud your videos and look forward to new ones. I can use all the ammo I can get my hands on!

  9. To be honest. I have been watching chess for long time. But this channel is something I really wished for.

  10. Bhai angregi me na bola kar yar samajh na ati hai bhai

  11. If a line centers around black jumping forward and grabbing a “free pawn” it’s useless. Everybody and their cousin knows better than to take the pawn 🤣

  12. AMAZING BRO.. love your videos.. and i won this same trap in REAL GAME HAHA he was 1800 FIDE rating and i am 1650 rating.. 😀

  13. Help me If 1.e4, e5 2.f1-c4, g8-f6 3.g1-f3, f6-e4 4.f3-e5, d5 5.c4-b3, d8-g5 6.e4-f3, g2 7.h1-f1, c8-g4 8.b3-d5??? If white do this B3-D5 How to play Black Please, leave comment

  14. What if Black plays Q to h4 right after white bishop move??

  15. Anything on the Sicillian Pin variation mate? 📌

  16. Thank you 4 this great video. Just one question: how do I react on knight f6, d4, exd4, knight f3 and then c5? Sacrifice the knight?

  17. In the very first trap, why wouldn’t white just move their knight to G4? Protects the king side and the knight at the same time? Not sure if I’m missing something or not. I couldn’t see a world where white would just give up their knight like that.

  18. 0:50 is not at all a losing mistake for whites, actually it is the best move according to the engine. Just, the following moves can be tricky (bishop to b3 IS the mistake, it should better return to e2)

  19. To me this looks like the Italian game. Am I wrong ?

  20. Hi, at about 3:40 of the video, why wouldn't white simply move the King to E2, allowing white's Queen to guard the Rook?

  21. Hi, at about 3:25 of the video [not 3:42], why wouldn't white simply move the King to E2, allowing white's Queen to guard the Rook?

  22. Thanks Igor! This made my Bishops opening so much more powerful!

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