5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Italian Game

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🔹 7 Best Chess Opening Traps –
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you the 5 best chess opening traps in the Italian Game for both White and Black. The Italian Game is a family of chess openings beginning with the moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4.

These traps are easy to learn and you can incorporate them in your own games easily. Also, the traps are from the most common and popular lines (and variations) from this opening.

► Chapters

00:00 5 Best Opening Traps in the Italian Game
00:26 Trap-1: White’s pawns vs Black’s pieces
04:21 Trap-2: Mind-blowing kingside attack
07:00 Trap-2: if White plays immediate Ng5
09:39 Recap of the crushing attack
10:18 Trap-3: Old, smothered checkmate
11:56 Trap-4: Italian Game: Classical Variation
13:59 Can you find the winning move?
14:32 Trap-5: Winning trap for White

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  1. Is the Vienna gambit good to play at all levels ? Is it something an IM should play or do you think queens gambit would better ?

  2. Is the danish gambit playable at high levels ? PS. I’m hoping you pick me ! I’m a 1900 I’ll put it to good use !

  3. For 14:28 , i think Re8 ,Rf8 take re8, then Qxf7 check,Kh8 and then queen take rook e8 checkmate right?

  4. That one is nice with the back rank rook queen sack mate is what I'm guessing the move you said to right in the comments I'm going to see if I'm right and finish watching

  5. Well, when I captured the black knight on f3, my opponent captured with his queen. However, after my knight to d5, that sly dog changed the rules and slid his queen over to g6. I was so focused on the script (pawn to c3), I failed to consider my opponent’s next move—Qxg2!

  6. thanks to you!!!! pero malimot man ko oi:) may amesya kasi here:)

  7. 2:05 what happens when black plays Na5?

    Edit: nevermind white would play Qa4 forking the king and the knight

  8. At 1 min 26 sec the move of the bishop at e6 with the knight on c6 is a mistake as Igor says.
    It attacks the white knight on d5 but simpler and safer is to attack this white knight by moving the black knight to e7 to blunt the attack.
    The situation then favours black.

  9. Sacrifice queen – black has to capture. Rook e8 –

  10. @Remote chess academy It seems trap on 2:05 dont work or is not finished. As loglen here stated Na5 seems to fix the problem to not loose officer?!

    Very nice find with Na5.. also the variation: Na5, Qa4+, Bd7, Bb5 seems to not give a lot advantage for white. I think Na5, dxe6, Nxc4, exf7+, Kf8, Qd4 or Qd5 is best option for white. Black will either have to move night to e5 (looses the d pawn) or back to a5(missplaced knight) or try protect knight with c5.

    White has a pesky pawn on f7, but i think black will win it.. just needs to prepare it a bit?…

    Is there any better variation?

  11. 1. Qxf7+ Rxf7 2. Re8# but it takes practice to think this way as you are giving away your Queen.

  12. hi. in min 3:46, what can you suggest if black plays d6d5 to protect the bishop. thanks

  13. @6:02, how about h4 instead of h3. Seems to stop the attack somehow.

  14. At time of 6.00 . White Kinight can take the pawn at g5 and break the attack? Please enlighten me

  15. Just played with the first trap, opponent fell right into the trap, some variation happened. I ended up forking his king and queen with no way our for his queen. He resigned. LETS GO!!!!!

  16. I’m gonna guess the sequence is Queen takes pawn check , bishop takes rook check then slide your rook all the way down for the mate 😅

  17. Great bait to get the Queen away from the king 🔥

  18. Re8, Black rook captured,Qxf7,black queen go to h8,Qxe8 checkmate

  19. My answer: white plays queen takes f7(sac the queen) and after black plays rook takes f7, white plays rook e8 checkmate.

  20. gqueen f7 wins
    becuse rook can back rank checkmate

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