5 Best Chess Opening Traps in the Queen’s Gambit

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov presents to you the 5 best chess opening traps in the Queen’s Gambit, which follows the move order 1.d4 d5 2.c4. The gambit (pawn sacrifice by White) when declined by Black with 2…e6, we arrive at the variation Queen’s Gambit Declined. In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov covers the traps for both continuations 2…dxc4, when Black accepts the gambit, and 2…e6, when Black declines the gambit.

Also, he shows the traps for both White’s and Black’s sides. Some of these traps are classical, which you may have seen already if you are a more advanced player and have used them to surprise your opponents.

And what is special about all these traps is that you can play them ‘freely’ – meaning that even if your opponent is smart enough not to fall into these traps, it won’t affect your position in any way. You can just continue playing normal moves, and the position would be balanced.

Spoiler alert: The fourth world chess champion, Alexander Alekhine, actually missed to see one of these traps.

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