7 Best Chess Opening Traps in the English Opening

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will be sharing with you the 7 best chess opening traps in the English Opening, which happens after White’s first move 1.c4. Some of the victims of these traps include the top grandmasters (and also world champions) such as Anatoly Karpov, Sergey Karjakin, etc.

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  1. 13:46 My 1400 rated opinion is Nxe4, logically white will play Qxb4 after which you evil laugh and play Nc2+, winning the queen. Black has a completely exposed king and black has the material advantage. "So it is then time for white to resign."

  2. 13:46 black knight takes knight – white queen takes black queen – knight triple forks the white king queen and rook taking the queen

  3. if king goes to d1 fork him again to take the rook

  4. I enjoy your commentary, especially that evil laugh.

  5. Watching this, i feel like now, I'm going to win every game with English😇

  6. what ab?out botvinnik system in english opening Sir? is that very effective?

  7. At 10.15 black resigned. How? Can anyone tell..

  8. 8:40 : the knight cant go away or you'll take the bishop… *Or* queen f7 checkmate……..

  9. It’s physically impossible for anyone but an Eastern European to laugh like that

  10. At 5:06 if black moves rb8 you wouldn’t be able to capture the bishop unless you’re willing to give up your queen.

  11. Around 11:00, I can't imagine why black played …Nd4. Yes, it's a forward move, but I don't see a threat or purpose for it (never mind that e3 shuts it down easily.)

  12. 1:41 why doesn't black play Ng6 or Bg6. Sure, white will recapture the pawn and can trade but material will be equal won't it? What am I missing?

  13. N-c2 looks best but after K moves: QxQ …KxQ: NxR the knight will be trapped so you only win the exchange. But Nxe4 will win a piece. white captures the Q then N-c2 wins it back.

  14. Igor you are just awesome. We are improving our chess and having fun with these traps thanks to you 🙂

  15. Knight takes e4. If Queen takes Queen then knight to C2. Am I right?

  16. Okay I got it on 13:39 black to move so knight takes the knight on E4 then then white queen will take the black queen then black knight to C2 forking the king and the queen. ending black is up with one material.


  18. 5:04 Is it just me or can the rook move to b8 at put you in bad position.

  19. 🧑‍🎓♟️⏱️⏱️♟️♟️

  20. what ever happened to the promised follow up to this video? NEED MORE TRAP IDEAS! thanks Igor.

  21. I feel like Nc2 is best, if white goes Kd1 then black Qb2, white takes knight on c2 with queen, black takes rook on a1 check, white moves queen to block or moves king, then black goes Qa1 to Qe5 taking the knight. End up taking a pawn, rook, and knight losing a knight. Alternatively if white moves Ke2 after black Nc2 then black still goes Qb2, white could move Qc1 to protect the rook, then black Qe5 taking the knight and pins the second knight, then depending whether white takes the knight on c2, black can take rook in a1, if white doesn't take the knight on c2 then black can move the knight back to e4 check, white moves king and then black can take the second knight e4 with either the queen or it's knight on f3.

  22. At 7:24, why can't the White move their Queen to Qa4#, then create space for their king to move, and next capture Qxb4, save the day…

  23. In trap number 2, you didn't mention that after pawn takes b7, black can think that he is able to put the rook in b8 pinning the pawn to the queen… The funny thing is that after pawn captures the bishop it promotes and it is a check, so the rook has to take it anyway 😂😂😂

    The video is so awesome by the way

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