Annoying Chess Opening: Beat the Englund Gambit as White

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🔹 TRICKY Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4 [Unstoppable Attack] –

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shows how to counter one of the most annoying and tricky chess openings by Black, the Englund Gambit, which arises after 1.d4 e5. Black’s idea is to avoid the traditional closed queen’s pawn games and create an open game with tactical chances, but at the cost of a pawn.

You will learn how to counter this gambit as White, common traps by Black and how to escape them, and how to counter Black’s tricks.

► Chapters

00:00 Nasty Chess Opening Trick, Englund Gambit Counter
00:42 Do NOT fall for this trap (avoid this mistake)
01:58 White’s best move to win (counter-trick)
02:58 1) If Black plays 6…Bb4
04:44 Creating the second knight fork
05:51 Beautiful tactics to win the game
07:29 2) If Black plays 6…Nb4
08:58 Black’s last tricky attempt
09:58 Puzzle of the day: Can you find the win?

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  1. ► Chapters

    00:00 Nasty Chess Opening Trick, Englund Gambit Counter

    00:42 Do NOT fall for this trap (avoid this mistake)

    01:58 White's best move to win (counter-trick)

    02:58 1) If Black plays 6…Bb4

    04:44 Creating the second knight fork

    05:51 Beautiful tactics to win the game

    07:29 2) If Black plays 6…Nb4

    08:58 Black's last tricky attempt

    09:58 Puzzle of the day: Can you find the win?

  2. Englund gambit is so tricky! Thank you by showing us how to send them to the funeral.

  3. 4:46 I never thought I'd hear the guy who helped me raise my elo by 400 points and who inspires me to continue playing chess saying 'I don't give a f**k'

  4. Nd5 if take then fork Queen and King otherwise fork King and rook

  5. I am trying to play the Englund gambit since I got motivated by your video, and now you are releasing a video on how to counter it 😂😂😂

  6. Your videos are the most helpful out of all the chess content creators by far. Always great tactical ideas and you explain the lines very clearly. Thanks again Igor you legend!

  7. I dont give a fork! Haha..made me rewatch that moment; as almost thought I imagined it! 🤣

  8. Be3, Q forced to f6. Qd5, forcing exchange of Q,s. Will win the rook by move f7. I f hxg4, rxh8

  9. For the puzzle 1.Nd5 should do it. If 1. … Qxb5 2.Nc7+ forks the King and Queen. If 1. … Qd8 2.Nbc7+ wins the Queen again since the King cannot move. If 1. … Qc5 2.Be3 Qc3 3.Nbc7+ wins a Rook. And if 1. … Qc6 2.Nbc7+ Kd8 3.Nxa8 and if 3. … Qxd5 4.Bg5+ wins the Queen.

  10. Bro you are so awesome keep it up man 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  11. Keep it up!! Ur videos are very good and i nowadays prefer ur chess videos over gothamchess

  12. Answer is Nd5. If qxb5 then Nc7 family fork and queen is lost. And after this, white is completely winning!

  13. Homie, I was literally watching your video on how to play the Englund and now you're pissing over all my hardwork 😭😭😭

  14. Excellent video. Thanks for sharing 🎉

  15. Englud player here. Came here to see what I need to face shortly.

  16. Nd5 seems pretty good. The queen has to go just stand over on g6 or something

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