Basic Chess Principles for Beginners


  1. Use a knight and use another knight and kill every black and there only a king and you win use this every chess

  2. Use a knight and use another knight and kill every black and there only a king and you win use this every chess

  3. Learning chess

    Pawns – the pawns can 2 move spaces

    The rook – rook can move any numbers of spaces horizontally or vertically

    Bishop – can move any numbers of spaces diagonally

    Knight – horizontally or vertically to space at a right angle

    King – king only number of one spaces

    Queen – can move any of numbers to spaces in straight line


    The rook capture by rook

    Capture protect

    The rook capture by rook has been protect by pawns

    Checkmate border

    the checkmate end the game up border 8 number or 1 number

  4. Learning chess

    Pawns – the pawns can 2 move spaces

    The rook – rook can move any numbers of spaces horizontally or vertically

    Bishop – can move any numbers of spaces diagonally

    Knight – horizontally or vertically to space at a right angle

    King – king only number of one spaces

    Queen – can move any of numbers to spaces in straight line


    The rook capture by rook

    Capture protect

    The rook capture by rook has been protect by pawns

    Checkmate border

    the checkmate end the game up border 8 number or 1 number

  5. But… The giuoco piano symetric game are really annoying ๐Ÿ˜ข

  6. But… The giuoco piano symetric game are really annoying ๐Ÿ˜ข

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