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It’s wrong
Black bishop to e7, white will capture it by the pone , queen to e7 threat is gone 😎
Less queen
Чёрный слон забирает слона, а конь ставит вилку на короля 👑 и ферзя g7😊
First time i can see it. Bishop takes, then white night pin the queen and king. Bye bye queen!
Move black queen to g6 then g8 only possible way!
Envez de mover el alfil mueve el caballo y hace jaque mate
I dont see the great move here. Only a moron would capture the bishop with their bishop and lose their queen. Just a bunch of traded pieces.
Black queen to g6 defends doesn’t it?
– Black take bishop -> lose queen to white knight
– If Black queen retreat to g6, white play queen to h4
– If black take bishop -> checkmate by queen
– If black queen to g8 -> checkmate by white knight to d6
– If black queen goes h7, white take bishop and nothing can stop the white queen from checkmate protected by bishop or knight
– If knight to f6 block queen support, knight is taken by bishop threatening free rook, and if white queen takes, free queen
– Other available place or white queen is traded for less value piece
– If black moves other ways, knight to d6 force queen to take the knight and traded by bishop
Edit: I do not consider the moves, but queen cannot save herself maybe other pieces can get black away from this?
Is this correct? I think for black is lose a queen or lose a game
Free queen
A vantagem nessa posição é de uns 6 – 7 pontos pras brancas..não é obrigado a capturar o bispo..nem entregar a dama..mas depois de algumas movimentos.a posição só piora.
King &Rook exchange painalama
That's brilliant 😮
Black bishop takes white horse too g7 check and take queen
I don't understand
Black loses the queen no matter what
Black isn't forced to take bishop
Black to just trade bishop
Best thing for black is to let the white Bishop capture it's Bishop next move then capture back with the King to avoid any sort of fork from the Knight!
bro missed a forky forky💀
Wait black don’t take mean equal equal
I can just take with my king .. then thare will be no royel fork..
If Bxe7, then Ng7+ and the whites take the queen. The blacks can avoid this without capturing the bishop. however, the blacks can't do anything else, the position is critical.
What's the name of the music?
What if black doesn't take the bishop?
Yeah? Bh6 then what
This is the first puzzle that I cannot make sense of. I don't see the forced advantage for white….which is the purpose of these things.
Prevents castle, forks if he takes
What about bishop h6
white is losing material here i dont see the brillant move Qg6 blocks the idea
It's a triple fork💀💀
Bishop ×e7, knight g7+, the King move to f8 or d8 and the knight takes the Queen, knight xe6. ☠️☠️☠️
But why didnt black take the bishop on his previous move 🤔
Black was in trouble when he missed the hanging bishop
Rook h7?
It’s dumb the queen no the bishop yeah then kill horse be it wil kill bishop
Queen=I will take care of knight 😂
Not forced
well is it necessary to take the white Bishop
no right -_-
GG dama
But what if black doesn't take Bishop to Bishop black can play H7 roOk
Why if he don't take?
Moves queen to g6