Chess Opening Tricks to WIN FAST: Fajarowicz Gambit Queen Traps | Best Moves, Strategy & Ideas

Fajarowicz Gambit – Here are some Deadly Chess Opening Tricks & Traps to Win Fast and capture the queen in the Budapest Defense variation. As you know, openings are the most exciting phase in the game of chess. There are various chess opening tricks, strategies, gambits, moves, tactics and ideas that you can use to win more games. In this video, I will show you all the Traps for Black in the Budapest Gambit – Fajarowicz Chess Opening Variation. I will show you 3 different lines that black can play to trap the white queen & ultimately checkmate him to win the game. These are some amazing variations to fool your opponent & mate him in the first few moves. These secret tricks will help you in winning chess games against your friends & other players who have not seen such traps before. I also have an interesting Chess Puzzle for you at the end of this video. Let’s see if you can solve that.

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Englund Gambit Tricks & Traps:
Evans’ Gambit Tricks & Traps:
Mortimer Trap:
Traxler Counter Attack #1:
Traxler Counter Attack #2:
24 Chess Tactics Explained:
Sicilian Defense Trap:
Fried Liver Attack: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Two Knights Defense Traps: Chess Opening Tricks to Win Fast:
Budapest Gambit Traps: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Halosar Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Chess Opening Tricks & Traps in Queen’s Gambit Accepted:
Siberian Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Stafford Gambit: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Fishing Pole Trap: Chess Opening TRICK to WIN Games Fast:
Legal’s Mate Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
How to Checkmate with 2 Bishops & a King:
Lasker Trap: Secret Chess Opening TRICK to Win Fast:
Blackburne Shilling Gambit: Secret Chess Opening Trick & Puzzle:
Poison Pawn Trap: Chess Opening Trick to Win Fast:
Tennison Gambit: 4 Secret Tricks to WIN FAST:
#ChessTalk #JeetendraAdvani


  1. For second variation opponent can play bishop to G4 and if we capture with knight then the queen will escape as there is no knight I think it's not the best trap

  2. Puzzle
    Ne7 check only legal move Nxe7 then Qxf8 check Kxf8 is forced then Rd8#

  3. White; knight e7
    Black; king (check) h8
    White ; queen take the rook f8
    And thats a beautiful checkmate

  4. As per chess talk any of the opponents plays moves as per his tricks that’s means he is showing fake tricks and tips 😂

  5. In the position: r2qkb1r/pQpp1ppp/1pn5/4P3/2P1n3/5N2/PP2PPPP/RNB1KB1R w KQkq – 1 7
    stockfish gives 3-point advantage to white!! In your video, block ween??

  6. The puzzles answer is very simple see how – First of all we will give a check by white horse to e7 then the black's knight capture it and then we will capture the black's rook by the queen on the f8 square then the king will capture our queen then we will simply checkmate by the rook check on d8 square

  7. What if opponent plays queen at D4 instead of pawn,

  8. I like your all video I have played this chess trick in my school
    and I win I am very happy and I get medal thank you🎉🎉❤❤❤❤

  9. Everything is fine with this trick but it is unlikely that Opponent will play the pawn placed in front of bishop.

  10. White N e7 chack
    Black N xe7
    White Q xR f8
    Black K xQ f8
    White R d8😮😅😊😂🎉

  11. Black queen can take your rook and you has gone 🙃😶

  12. Rook to e1 thanblack rook takes White's queen and then white rook to e8 is the beautiful cheakmate😊

  13. White: Ne7+, Black: N×e7, White: Rd8, Black: Resign, because if rook takes queen, then white rook takes Black rook checkmate so black RESIGN

  14. Puzzle ans is rook to e1 if rook take queen take then rook rxe8 is checkmate

  15. Ne7+ Nxe7
    Qxf8+ Kxf8
    If after Ne7+ king moves to h8 then Qxf8#

  16. Rook to e1 preventing the mating threat and after the next move knight to e7 check then whatever he is going to move if he recaptures with knight i will recapture with rook then if he tries to be greedy and take back my queen I will recapture with my rook and it will be a check mate

  17. If I am not wrong the puzzles answer is Ne7+ if Kh8 then Qxf8# if Nxe7 then Qxf8+ the king has to take the took jumps onto the other edge Rd8# mate

  18. Ne7+ is a move that removes that will open up the rook and block the e7 square. Nxe7, then, Qxf8+, removing the defender of the back rank. Kxf8, then the e7 knight blocked the e7 square, leading to a back rank checkmate with Rd8#. If, after Ne7+, Black plays Kh8, then it accelerates defeat with Qxf8#.

  19. White : Ne7+, Q*f8 checkmate
    Black : Kh8

  20. Hello sir i am a student studying in 6th STD and I am very thankful to you because, actually I started chess at the age of 9 years and at that time I don't know any trap of chess. But in fifth STD I searched chess tricks and I got many videos but from that I got your video and I just clicked and now I am seeing your videos only and due to your chess videos my game is improved and I am glad to inform you that I am selected for mahanagar palika chess tournament. I am feeling proud.Thankyou sir for guiding us.Thankyou sir ❤❤❤😊😊

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