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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you an aggressive variation in one of the most popular chess openings, the Two Knights Defense.
After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5, most of your opponents hope for the Fried Liver Attack which happens after 4…d5 5.exd5 Nxd5?! But instead of 5…Nxd5, there is a tricky variation called the Fritz Variation which happens after 5…Nd4.
This tricky variation comes with a lot of hidden traps that even strong players fall for. In most of the variations, Black is winning in just about 10 moves!
► Chapters
00:00 Win Against 1.e4 in Only 10 Moves
00:18 Two Knights Defense, Fried Liver Attack
01:01 1.1) Fritz Variation, 5…Nd4
03:40 1.2) If White castles instead of Nxh8
05:14 2.1) If White plays Bxf7+ instead of Nxf7
07:03 2.2) If White plays Bb3 instead of Bc4
08:17 3) If White doesn’t play d6
10:47 Can you find the winning moves?
11:40 4) Stockfish recommendation for White
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In the final position, … Bxf3! wins by force: the threat is …bxg2+, so White must respond, but if 2. gxf3, Qg1+!, 3. Rxg1, Rxg1#. If 2. Rxf3, Re1+!, 3. Qxe1, Qxg2# (of course, if 3. Rf1, Rxf1#).
Youre a God Damn Wizard. Thank you, sir.
Nice and useful lesson as always. My puzzle of the day to you is why is your cat always asleep?! 😂
Puzzle: I would try Q takes g2
I always love watching your videos, even though my brain struggles to retain the awsome things you teach I always know when I see your video it's going to be good. By the way I liked and subscribed
Bishop takes f3, if pawn takes, queen G1, followed by rook and bishop checkmate. If rook takes, e rook to E1 check, queen has to take, queen G2 checkmate
Wonderful, thanks for the insight!
Nice theory. Anyone that’s playing fried liver though knows to take f7 with the bishop not the knight.
Puzzle Solution- Sacrifice the bishop with Bxf3. If pawn takes, then queen g1 check, rook has to take, then rook takes back on g1 with checkmate. If after Bxf3 the rook takes the bishop, then rook e1 with check, queen has to take on e1, followed by queen g2 checkmate!
Bruv your accent is quite aesthetically pleasing
11:02 this is beautiful. black Re1!! if queen takes Qg2#. if rook takes then Bxf3, gxe3, Qg1+, Rxg1 and Rg1#. this what i thought but that loses advantage to Re2 after Bxf3. so the idea is Bxe3 first. and then you mate.
OK, I think I got it:
If rook takes F3, then rook E8 with check, queen takes rook E8, then queen xG7 is check mate.
If pawn takes F3, queen sacrifice goes G8 with check, rook takes queen G8, then rook takes rook G8 is mate (covered by the bishop in D4).
I think that's it, I hope I didn't miss something…
Love it!
Be3 attacking the Q if Qe2 black can win BxB discovered attack on the Q. Another way is Bxf3 pawn.
Schlürfe |
The winning puzzle move is:
… B×fP
if R×B then
… Re1+
Q×R … Q×P#
Rg1 … R×R#
if P×B
… Qg1+
R×g1 … R×R#
if Rg1
… B×P+
R×B … Q×R+
Q×Q … Re1+
Qg1 … R×Q#
if R×B
… Re1+
after this options are:
if Q×R … Q×P#
is the answer white square bishop takes pond on f3?
solution bxf3 if nxf3, ne1 = win! if pxf3, qg1,rxg1,rqg1 = winn
if qxg5; qd3,nd2;rxgk,rg1; bxg2,rxg2;re1,nf1 checkmate whith rook are queen
This puzzle has 2 possible but equally beautiful mates. The first mate is bishop to f3, if pawn g2 recaptures on f3, then queen g1, forcing the rook on f1 to capture on g1 and after that rook g8 captures on g1 CHECKMATE.
The second mate: what if pawn g2 stays there? Simple, bishop g2, forcing the queen to take on g2 which allows our queen to take on g2 CHECKMATE.
If i failed somewhere pls correct me.
Edit: ok i found a mistake. Rook f1 can capture on f3 too, preventing the mate. I'll analize further and then come up with another anwser.
Edit 2: found it(i think) bishop e3, forcing the queen on d2 to move to c3, after that bishop d4 again, which is a trap for whites, because if queen d4 then bishop f3, then if rook f3 rook e1, forcing rook f1 and then our rook captures on f1 CHECKMATE.
Edit 3: it seems i sometimes am so dumb that i can't see simple mates, after bishop e3, if the queen moves to c3 then just queen to g2 CHECKMATE
This is beautiful!
Everyone saying bishop takes f3…… I feel like if white plays rook to g1 then black is in trouble…..
Be3 to get tempo on the queen, then since queen can't leave second rank, Qe2
Bxc1 and take down white's dark square bishop, while getting a discovery attack on the queen, so Qf2 to save the queen, and protect pawn on g2
Be3 to attack the queen again, so Qe2 again
Bd4 to return to the original position, with Qd2, but difference being there's no dark square bishop to support white queen
Then finish up with Bxf3
if white goes bxc3, black mates with Qg1 and Rxg1
If white goes Rxf3, black mates with Re1 and Qg2
Removed white bishop first, so that Qg5 won't happen after Bxf3
The winning move is Bxf3 threatening a checkmate in g2( if Rxf3 then Re1 and mate on g2 is unstoppable ) else if gxf3 then Qg1 and then mate on next move
BS. The main line fried liver attack after Nxd5 Nxf7 Kxf7 Qf3+ Ke6 is no worse for black. Former U.S. champion Larry Christiansen showed some lines showing that with best play it's a fight but roughly equal.
can't wait to try this out and still lose 😀
bishop sacrifice, if rook take, rook to e1, white queen take rook, black queen take pawn and checkmate
Ok i think i finally found it for good. Remember that other comment where i said Bxf3 was a nad move? Screw that comment then. So, i said that after Bxf3 whites could just simply play Rg1, which exposes the rook to a bishop attack, at first i said that achieved an even position for whites right? Wrong, so after Bxg1, king will recapture there on g1, after that play queen g2, which will lrad into a queen exchange, after the trade you are now allowed to play rook e1 check, the queen is pinned, and after the king moves, doesn't matters where, play rook g2 checkmate.
Edit: or simply after Kxg1 play rook e1 right away, forcing the queen to capture, then queen g2 checkmate.
Be3 Qe2 Bxc1 Qf2 Be3 Qe2 Bf4 Qf2 Qh6 h3 (g4 Rxg4) Rg3 can't see any defense against Rxh3
queen sacrifice on g2 and white nothing can do on coming checkmate!
The frequency with which chess fans now use "just winning" is proof positive of our propensity to be programmed.
Hm, in line 3.) White will in most cases NOT play f3 allowing Black to slip away by castling. White will give a Check with his rook first
I assume that any body who can get two knight setup like knight c3 and f3 for white or c6 and f6 for black can start a counter attack for the other player that does not place their knight like that
what if f3, Q x B and so on..
Phew I wondered even your cat back there could beat me in chess if he/she keep listening to your content.. 😂
Please try to make a video about your cat, bro Igor.. ✌🏿
Greetings from Indonesia
Love Just for u
Amazing what you can do if you knows what to move, great video!
Oh my, My opponent tomorrow is Carlsen😥
B cut f3
Without looking, I think 1. … Bxf3. If 2. gxf3 Qg1+ and mate in 1. If 2. Rxf3 Re1+ and mate in 1. If Rg1 or Rf2, bishop takes rook and mate follows. If almost anything else, 2 … Bxg2+ and mate follows.
Mantap boss terimakasih
Man i won a f#king game by this same method. Thanks
What if the Knight takes the pawn in E5 instead of taking the rook in H8..?
Those are for childrens
At 3.14 you say "the only normal way to cover it is bishop e2 but i would play Queen e2….and then…..?
dont know about high rates opponents at my level of 1200-1300 noone takes the black d5 pawnby pawn but they almost take it with bishop
Can you make a video on the ponziani steinits gambit (dont know how to spell it)
It is a much more dangerous attack after white tries the fried liver.