Destroy 5 Popular Openings with an Early Queen Attack

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In this video lesson, you will learn how to use the early queen attack in 5 popular chess openings and win quickly. The early queen attack is a chess strategy where one brings out their queen very early in the opening stage to launch an attack against the opponent’s king.

Most chess players make the mistake of playing an incorrect early queen attack such as 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5. However, in this video lesson GM Igor Smirnov teaches you the right way of doing it so that you don’t get punished.

► Chapters

00:00 Early Queen Attack Chess Traps in Popular Openings
00:08 1) Vienna Game, Max Lange Defense (symmetric opening)
01:13 2) Philidor Defense
02:18 How to PUNISH Early Queen Attack?
02:41 3) Sicilian Defense, Ginsberg Gambit
04:59 4) Alekhine Defense
06:42 5) Scandinavian Defense

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  1. ► Chapters

    00:00 Early Queen Attack Chess Traps in Popular Openings

    00:08 1) Vienna Game, Max Lange Defense (symmetric opening)

    01:13 2) Philidor Defense

    02:18 How to PUNISH Early Queen Attack?

    02:41 3) Sicilian Defense, Ginsberg Gambit

    04:59 4) Alekhine Defense

    06:42 5) Scandinavian Defense

  2. Not all of early queen attackings are the same. 🗿🍷

  3. 0:44 And because it’s inconvenient to defend, you should just ignore it with Nd4.

  4. 3:49 but what if the opponent plays his pawn to g6 ? You'll lose your knight after defending your queen and you also won't be able to capture Black's queen ?

  5. Ah yes the nice suburbs of Blunderville. Just got my condo remodeled right by Hangqueen Square. It’s got a nice view 😊

  6. Great aggressive moves…👹👹👹👹😈💪

  7. Hello igor, yesterday i found a "thrilling" tactic which is called: max lange attack. Could you provide us with your "thorough" & deep analysis for this line?? Thanks enadvance & have a pleasant day.

  8. first queen attack is stupid. anyone with half a brain defends pawn to G6

  9. i never get people that do Qa5 for Scandinavian, always back to d8 -.-"

  10. Why is all the Queen attacks white? Why didnt you show Queen attacks black?

  11. At 7:41 if 1…Kf6? 2.Bb2+ e5 3.Bxe5+ (3.Qxe5+ Kg6)3…Ke6! (3…Ke7 4.Bd6+ Kd7 {4…Kd8?! 5.Bc7+ with three pieces for the Queen}) and the position is complicated.

  12. 2:17 Stockfish says – 00 – black's lose the knight, but escape from the checkmate. Thanks for your videos, Igor, I enjoy watching them !

  13. Спасибо вам большое, Игорь. Всегда интересное, всегда завораживающее зрелище!

  14. A haiku dedicated to my chess:

    These 64 squares

    Always perplex and frustrate

    King goes down again

  15. Good evening Mr.smirnov can you make a video of what to do when piece down

  16. against the Alekhine's defense there's another queen line with Bc4 Nxe4 3. Bxf7+ Kxf7 4. Qh5+
    then if g6 or Kg8 you play Qd5+ and win the knight
    if the king comes forward trying to hang on to the knight you can just give checks and it's likely to lead to checkmate 😂

  17. would you please make a video about the old benoni

  18. Igor you tell me after e4 e5 bc4 i can play bc5 and then his queen came and he punish my italian style so badly, make me want to look lichess ouverture 😂

  19. 1:05 what about pawn to g6, preventing the queen from capturing the pawn? Idk why he didn’t cover that

  20. As a chess player how many opening should know?

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