Italian Game for Black [20-Minute Chess Opening Crash Course]

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🔹 Learn the Italian Game in 20 Minutes [Chess Opening Crash Course] –

♛ Find these opening variations/examples from this blog-post –

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov gives you a quick crash course on one of the most popular chess openings, the Italian Game (for Black), which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4.

You will learn the Giuoco Piano variation after Black plays 3…Bc5, and the most common responses of White after that. You will also learn some of the key ideas, common attacking plans, and traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Italian Game For Black [Opening Crash Course]
00:40 Italian Game: Giuoco Piano 3…Bc5
02:30 1) 5.d4, Classical Variation, Center Attack
04:17 Do NOT fall for this trap!
08:43 If White covers the check with Bd2
10:02 2) 5.d3, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo
13:11 If White retreats with Bb3-Bc2
14:41 Powerful kingside attack
17:20 Attacking plan if White plays Re1
20:00 Final variation: If White stops Ng4 with h3
22:20 Popular queen trap (poisoned pawn)

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  1. GM Igor just condensed 350 years of chess theory into just 23 minutes and 14 seconds! Pure genius!

  2. Thank you for this lesson, which I found to be particularly valuable. To have a thorough and well thought thru crash course on an opening, both as white (your other crash course on the Italian) or as black, I feel gives me with a much more solid and well rounded foundation in understanding it, especially since the Italian opening is unknown to me. Really appreciate your taking the time to put this together!

  3. Igor, you are the best chess teacher on YouTube!

  4. I pove ur videos the opening name for beginners

  5. I appreciate your research and your demeanor in your presentations. You are a fine teacher and not just a game commentator.

  6. All your variations are based on a black bishop move to c5… I play italian very very often, not to say all times, and less that 10% opponents play the bishop. To prevent attack of white knight to g5, they will preferably push their pawn to h7 or f7

  7. I have had a lot of success with the g5 and g4 pawn push after h3. But I have never seen the other idea with Ng4 and f5, that looks very interesting and dangerous!

  8. Hardest opening tonpkay agaisnt for black imo one move out of theory and you get a big disadvantage

  9. Wow, just wow! What an extraordinary game! Thanks Igor, and keep up the great work! 😊

  10. There are another 928389 lines I found for white to do, i want to die

  11. What if Bb4 check is defended with Nd2 instead of Nc3

  12. 11:01 Bg5 pinning the knight is actually computer best move, and defending with h6 is not the best move, why is it like that on stockfish

  13. Any 2020 Warzone vets does this guy remind you of IcemanIssac?

  14. I'm only long castling when playing Italian now.

  15. “…bc5. I recommend that you play”

    What happened to. 3…pf5, Rosseau gambit defense for black, agains this opening, recommended for amateurs because white can fall into so many traps?

  16. Who also does not like that crowded board in the italian game?

  17. Really good video, thank you.
    Simple to follow and easy to execute. Now to commit it to memory…

  18. You are doing great job which is teaching, your videos really inspire me to be best in chess, Thank you 🙏

  19. Igor, never never yours videos aren't longer 😅
    23 minuts us perfect1.
    Do you know why?
    Because you've got talent, since you're born.
    That's all folks🎉😊😂❤

  20. This is literally all players 1100 -1400 on Lichess ever wanna play. So annoying

  21. That video is a piece of shit, rename it : how to play the italian for back WITH BISHOP C5.

  22. Thank you for the explanations behind the moves. GREAT Video!!

  23. I love fried liver attack as black, that leads to super sharp tactical Positions.

  24. I appreciate you a lot, but I also want to ask you do do you explanations a little bit slower

  25. Hey Igor! Don't worry about the length of this video–it is a POEM!! I want to watch it a few more times! Please keep it available!!

  26. Thank you GM Igor for the great chess teachings :)…👏👏👏

  27. How about Qb5 +,& trapping knight at 9.46 time.

  28. On the end game, yes, a single Knight will defeat a single Bishop in my experience.

  29. Thank you for your time oh wise and mighty one for your time.

  30. On minute 9:49 there is a blunder in analyses. After queen b5 black loses the knight and probably the game.

  31. Great! I am always struggling with black. Hopefully I will do better from now on.

  32. What about Nd2? (Instead Nf3 in the first example)

  33. very instructiv, clear and interessting! Thank you from Germany

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