Magnus Carlsen gives a London System lesson! πŸ‘‘

From one of Magnus Carlsen’s past Banter Blitz sessions he played this cool game where he dominated playing the London System. I reedited the clip with some background music to re-highlight this awesome tutorial how to win with the London system against high rated opponents. Here, with an aggressive pawn pushing strategy. Thanks for watching, liking, and supporting!


  1. Finally, I see a London that my computer game uses (Gametop "Grand master Chess 3", on the "easy adult" level), that I don't think many on YT can beat often.

  2. You win chess if you know how to find those attacking moves or forcing moves.

  3. This kid is pretty good he'll be a Grand Master one day and maybe at some point he will number 1 in the World

  4. I'm a beginner and just trying to follow. How was he able to march his G and H pons right through his opponent's pons?

  5. this polytonal background music gives me the creeps in a good way

  6. the quality of Magnus's gameplay is only surpassed by the quality of his videos

  7. This guy is going to be good. Really quick learner. One of his best traits

  8. "SO the objective evaluation is that i'm completely winning" HAHAHA I love that

  9. Magnus let’s his woman die to marry two more

  10. Great playing but that's a weird background song

  11. I love you Magnus you are a genius thank you for the lesson. 😍

  12. This Magnus guy seems pretty clever, he should realy try to play som turnaments

  13. Beautiful! Castling looked scary, but man that h6 move was brutal!

  14. At the end of the video he said he castled on move 15, he instantly remembered when he castles on what exact move 🀯

  15. What the heck is this creepy piano music

  16. Amazing acceleration of thought! With such ease, he attacked the king side. I am going to have to use this in my next game!

  17. Hey he looks like he has potential! If he keeps practicing maybe he will win a tournament some day!

  18. At 4:50 he says whatever the opponent does he will get a queen but I think that not the case is it?

  19. Would it have been better for black to move knight to e7 rather than bishop takes f4? You’d still lose the rook but prevent a queen

  20. Looks like how comfortable he is while playing

  21. can't cope with this fucking garbage piano playing. so off key. so hard to listen to Magnus because of it.

  22. I can only watch in awe as Magnus casually destroys highly rated opponents.

  23. Is there ever a situation where you WOULDNT turn a pawn into a queen? And instead take a knight or bishop? I can see knight in some instances… but never bishop / rook?

  24. Love watching videos to try to get better … only to realize that my 1500 rated self is not going to get a lot of "principle" moves

  25. "I'm a quick learner that is one of the good things about me" Magnus is also the master of understatement.

  26. What a garbage video. Two songs on top of each other and a bunch of glitches.

  27. Magnus made the poor fella ragequit LOOOOOOOL

  28. I wonder what this guy's elo is. Seems like an IM to GM level

  29. that 5:01 G6-H7 pawn move, was better than an action movie scene

  30. Sorry but the audio is not clear nor is your explanation

  31. He takes boring things, and in a obvious way, makes them super aggressive.. wow

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