My FAVORITE Chess Openings by Rating

I get many questions about chess openings for beginners, intermediate, and advanced level players. In this video I share what openings I think work best across the rating ladder. London, Stonewall, Sicilian, Caro Kann, and many others are featured.

0:00 Intro
13:29 FOR ADVANCED (LIKE 1800+)

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  1. 1:14 bishop to b4 is check and with proper aggression you could easily take that safety

  2. The best part about the scandy early on is that you'll typically get a free pawn every 2 or 3 games because people develop aggressively and don't pay attention to the queen on a5. It allows players with a weaker grasp on opening principles to put themselves in a bad spot.

  3. The thumbnail…. Mis click sicillian. I named it.

  4. “Beginners 1100”
    me being 600: “close enough”

  5. I'm a beginer rated 1000 and I've played a lot the Catalan, it's a realy solid opening, I recomend it

  6. 1100-1500 was just Bird's/From's gambit for me. I dunno why but it brought out the worst in all my opponents when I'd play as black.

  7. Tried the dutch today for the first time after watching this and got slaughtered. My opponent recognized it and stormed the king side with the whole kitchen sink. I'll study the game to figure out how I could have prevented the suffocation.

  8. Gotham has two different personalities: with twitch chat and without twitch chat

  9. The whole video is just Gotham flexing his opening knowledge

  10. But my opponent does not play like you think he makes much different moves. but thanks,

  11. the vienna was the first opening i really got into with white as a beginner and i won so many times with it its amazing

  12. And there is me playing giauco pianissimo to fully lock the game with the aim of getting a draw against higher rated opponents

  13. When your not even at 500 but your watching videos for 1100+

  14. Me, a hard stuck 800, determind to keep learning and keep playing the english 💀

  15. I'm rated 950 elo, my last game was exactly like that 'closed sicilian', exactly… Never knew my improvised opening had a name!

  16. I won't remember all these names these openings have, but I know what openings are now lol.

  17. You are by far the best chess teacher in youtube. Might not be the best player but i can always learn a lot more from your videos than any other world champion

  18. Why are people acting like the Bongcloud works at every level in the comments? It has been solved. Just play the counter Bongcloud. It has 100% draw rate

  19. Thanks very much for this great video. I have been looking for a simple but effective Black Opening, and started using King's Indian today. (P4 W3 L1) So far so good. Thanks Levy!

  20. idk why but i am like 700 but play both the danish abd the vienna

  21. Beginner White : London System (0:40), Stonewall (1:53), e4 principles/Fried Liver (2:37)

    Beginner Black : Kings Indian (4:18), Scandinavian Defense (5:32), Sicilian Dragon (6:34)

    Intermediate White : Gambits (7:23), Vienna/Vienna Gambit (8:10), Closed Sicilian (8:45), Advanced Caro-Kann (10:08)

    Intermediate Black : Caro-Kann (10:28), Dutch Defense (11:04), Traxler+Sneaky stuff (12:23), Stafford Gambit (13:12)

    Advanced White : Straying away from/not allowing mainline theory, applying pressure (13:43), Trompowsky (14:11), Catalan (14:59), English Opening (15:18)

    Advanced Black : e4 e5 sidelines/g6 systems (16:18), Nimzowitsch/2 Knight Sicilian (17:10), e6,b6 setups (18:02)

  22. Love you Gotham. You are doing a great job

  23. What about Kolle Zuckertort? Recommended by Judith Polgar has served me well. As black D5 against anything. Against d4 i play kolle zuckertort reversed, against e4 its a scandi.

  24. Beginner W:
    London System (0:40),
    Stonewall (1:53),
    e4 principles/Fried Liver (2:37)

    Beginner B:
    Kings Injun (4:18),
    Scamdinavian Defense (5:32),
    Sissy Lee Ann Dragon (6:34)

    Intermediate W:
    Gambits (7:23),
    Vienna/Vienna Gambit (8:10),
    Closed Sicilian (8:45),
    Advanced Caro-Kann (10:08)

    Intermediate B:
    Caro-Kann (10:28),
    Dutch Defense (11:04),
    Traxler+Sneaky stuff (12:23),
    Stafford Gambit (13:12)

  25. Theres 2 things I cant stand in this world.. People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures and the dutch.

  26. Is there a defense black can play against any white opening

  27. The London is my favorite opening with white

  28. Try the Baccha Defense by white, purely invented by me..

  29. im tired of this man saying beginners are 1100 when im sitting here at 600 playing againts people who are mastering openings lol

  30. And once you hit 3865 like Hans, the chess will speak for itself.

  31. I've tried King's Indian a lot, but what ends up happening is my knight gets no free squares, meaning both my bishop AND my knight are kinda just locked in place

  32. When i try the birds opening and cecilian defense my winning rate went up i always do the dragon cecilian to put pressure on my enemy thinking what next move while already have pre move😂😂❤

  33. Me ranked at 1300…. chess database….neeehh I just stick with @gothamchess videos 😀

  34. I tried to learn but after 17 minutes of ads i gave up

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