Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense | Tricky Wing Gambit

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a powerful chess opening for White against the Sicilian Defense. The usual response against the Sicilian Defense with 2.Nf3 leads to very complicated lines involving a lot of theories. That’s why you can play the offbeat variation known as the Wing Gambit, which happens after 1.e4 c5 2.b4.

In chess, Wing Gambit is a generic name given to openings in which White plays an early b4, deflecting the opponent’s pawn or bishop from c5 so as to regain control of d4, an important central square.

This tricky gambit comes with a lot of deadly traps for White. And in almost all the lines White has quick development and an early, powerful attack against the Black’s king.

► Chapters

00:00 Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense
00:18 Wing Gambit Against the Sicilian Defense
01:04 Advantages of the Wing Gambit for White
02:08 Mainline: If Black plays 3…d5
06:07 Line-2: Nasty trap if Black plays 3…Nc6
07:45 Line-3: If Black plays 3…e6
11:35 Can you find the mate in 5?
12:29 Line-4: If Black declines the gambit
14:16 Line-5: Best response for Black
17:41 Similarity with Portsmouth Gambit

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  1. Your Video Smith-Morra Gambit is Stronger

  2. 1:00 PION CXB4.
    1.)2:13 pion d5(ending offens sayap Mentri)
    2.)6:15 kudac6(ending korban Mentri)
    3.) 7:50 Pion e6(ending serang sayap raja)
    12:36 PION E6(tidak xb5)serang syp raja.
    14:27 PION D5 Variasi kuda f6(manuvr Mentri e1.e4.h4)

  3. I tested this gambit and it is really powerful. Even playing badly. Thanks

  4. I hate playing against sicilian so this is a very fun forced simplification that at the same time may surprise the opponent.

  5. What is the line if after gambit accepted, you play d5 and they play knight F6? Chasing it away seems harder. Thanks

  6. At 15:04 instead of black Nf6Xd4 –QA5 next Bd2, then Nf6xD5. @gmigorsmimov Can you show this line or a video link that you/someone else did that does?

  7. At 15:45 what is your suggestion if black plays F7 to F5? or Black Pawn H7 to H6? In the wing gambit declined

  8. i watch some video Rxa3 Bxa3 Bxa3.. 9:13 video i say.. can u please analyse that variation? thanks Master

  9. ► Chapters

    00:00 Powerful Chess Opening Against the Sicilian Defense

    00:18 Wing Gambit Against the Sicilian Defense

    01:04 Advantages of the Wing Gambit for White

    02:08 Mainline: If Black plays 3…d5

    06:07 Line-2: Nasty trap if Black plays 3…Nc6

    07:45 Line-3: If Black plays 3…e6

    11:35 Can you find the mate in 5?

    12:29 Line-4: If Black declines the gambit

    14:16 Line-5: Best response for Black

    17:41 Similarity with Portsmouth Gambit

  10. Wow! Thanks for all ur ideas am learning from you actually.regards from Doha Qatar 🇶🇦

  11. Guess I need to redefine my definition of 'powerful'.

  12. Wing gambit has very effective antidotes and it has been my pleasure to beat it every single time.

  13. My favorite gm thanks for all the great content

  14. Extraordinary new knowledge adquisition!

  15. Ok so how do we beat the wing gambit with the sicilian?

  16. 12:17 Nice! Checkmate also possible with the pawn! After Bg5+ … Rf6 — e5xf6#

    ** edit ** no then Black can take the knight as *most*wanted points out

  17. Third move is 3.a3 in wing gambit. Not 3.d4. OK.

  18. A huge advantage could be the lack of opening theory advantage black could have (in my case probably has). I learned chess with e4 e5, and struggled massively when everyone started playing Sicilian. Especially in rapid chess being able to instantly play all theory moves will be a huge advantage. Even being a pawn down doesn't sound too bad…

  19. The worst thing is that my opponent never play the way I watch on YouTube, they play very difficult chess they took my queen rook easily by pawn or bishop Or knight don't know what to in that situation it has been more than 7 month , I think I should quit chess.

  20. I’ve gotten a few wins with this opening because more times than not they aren’t ready. But I use a3.

  21. Thanks for the demo and video don't have to memorized just get to the point of controlling the center

  22. Black needs to know the alternatives rather than going for baubles on the wing. I assume than you have more resources than you are displaying here.

  23. 7 mn 50 s : e5 au lieu de e6 pour contrer d4

  24. Sorry GM, can you please explain again?
    I just focus on your cat in background

  25. Marshall liked to pay this back in the 40's but the Wing Gambit is unsound
    but it is a nice surprise weapon to play against anyone under 1900 rating.

  26. Thx very much, i just won my first official game using your video for prep!

  27. I think Sicilian is already better for white (both e4-c5, Nf3 and e4-c5, c3). Why risk?

  28. Horas salam anak Medan 😀😀😀😀😀❤️🙏😎

  29. what if they defend with b6? then do u just take and play a normal sicilian without b pawns?

  30. I speak italian, i don't understand this language


  32. OH wow, my first 3 times using this have generated wins. This is a wild exciting way to handle the Sicilian (1450 player here)

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