The Best Chess Opening against 1…e5 | Scotch Gambit Traps

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🔹 The Unbeatable Bishop’s Opening (simple and powerful) –
🔹 The BEST Chess Opening TRAP Against 1.e4 –

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you a dangerous opening weapon for White against the first moves 1.e4 e5, which is one of the most common responses of Black. It is the Scotch Gambit (from the Scotch Opening) which arises after the following opening moves: 1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4.

Instead of taking the pawn back with 4.Nxd4, White plays in gambit style, sacrificing the pawn, for rapid development and great attacking opportunities. You’ll enjoy this line a lot because it is solid, aggressive, and easy to learn.

Watch the video lesson as GM Igor Smirnov walks you through Black’s common responses: the tempting 4…Bb4+, protecting the pawn with 4…Bc5, and the more solid 4…Nf6 that gives a Two Knights Defense setup.

You will also learn a tricky line, playing the aggressive 4.Ng5, which can be used against beginner-level and intermediate players, especially in blitz games.

► Chapters

00:00 Dangerous opening weapon for White
00:33 Tricky line for blitz games
01:46 3K+ players make this mistake
02:51 The Scotch Gambit 4.Bc4
03:26 Black plays 4…Bb4+
04:55 Black plays 4…Bc5
05:55 The key intermediate check 
07:35 Common attacking idea you should know
08:33 What if Black doesn’t play dxc3?
12:34 What if Black counter-attacks?
14:24 Black plays 4…Nf6
16:49 Attacking plan in the middlegame

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