The Colle System – Plans, Structures, Patterns, Variations · Chess Openings

The Colle System is a name for two different system openings – the Colle-Koltakowski and the Colle-Zukertort, differentiated by where you develop the c1 bishop.

In this video I am covering both Colle systems in a way I hope will be easy to understand and apply in your own games. As with most other system openings, the Colle doesn’t require much theoretical knowledge, nor will will you have to learn engine lines 20 moves in depth, instead, ideas, plans and patters are what will make you understand the opening. So I tried to structure the video in such a way, showing main ideas in the Colle, where, and when to maneuver your pieces, and how to start an attack.

00:00 Introduction
05:03 Colle-Koltanowski
31:49 Colle-Zukertort

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  1. Богданович написал шикарную книжку про систему Цукерторта.

  2. 21:10 If the Knight is attacked straight away, you play Nxc8 and black doesn't get the piece back.

  3. You didn’t say “PP on the PP” when you put pressure on the pinned piece. For shame.

  4. ding liren used this in one of his world championship games in april, game 12

  5. i just checked out the colle-kalto. in the lichess db and the win rates are surprisingly high.

  6. For easier navigation, you can find the PGN with all the variations imported on
    Just search for the Colle System or type openings into the search bar and all that are available should be listed there.

  7. Thank you very much for teaching how to play the Colle system. You explain very well.

  8. What do yo do if black pushes e6 pawn before we push our e3 pawn?

  9. Suppose black plays 5.cxd4? Should you take with exd4 or cxd4?

  10. Colle zukertort in depth plz

  11. dude the colle has pulled me out of the 500 rapid curse. now 680 and going up. will probably learn this one and keep it going for as long as i can

  12. 26:19 i think it's isn't that bad to play against bf5 und can go with c4 and walk in shoes of arthur jussupow

  13. What about the blunder at 21:13 ? Re8?? – Knight just takes on c8

  14. "I find it hard to come up with bad moves" 😂

  15. So these dangerous sidelines you mentioned in the classic colle, would you say the zukertort is better against g6 fianchetto/2. nf6/reverse london setups for example?How do you know when to play one system over the other? Or is it just a matter of taste?Surprisingly fun opening despite it's simplicity. Most black players are simple so used to playing against the london they're have little clue how to throw a wrench in your plans – which are easy to execute too. Especially fun in blitz because the game flows from your initiative with easy to play moves, and constantly asking black questions.Great video. You have an awesome approach to explaining system openings.

  16. I really like the zukertort opening but what if black fianchetto his dark squared bishop in 3rd or 4th moves after we play e3? Since we block our dark squared bishop with the pawn, i generally have a problem in that kind of situation. And also our valuable light's squared bishop's diagonal is closed in that way. What should be our response?

  17. if the earth got destroyed and your channel was the only chess resource that remained, aspiring alien chess players stumbling upon it would have a very easy time figuring out how to play the opening very well with just your videos. i would know

  18. Anand was crushed by Lazaro Bruzon in the Zukertot when he was 2800+. Resigned on move 28

  19. yeaah, my favorite system/aperture with white

  20. Finally!!! This should be your main d4 weapon.

  21. This is an amazing opening for low ELO. This opening carried me from 650-1000. It creates an easy to understand and simple position

  22. The computer keeps telling me that I've played the Zuckertort opening. Maybe this will help.

  23. little tip : if you want to keep your repertoire as simple as possible, play the trompovsky against 1. … Nf6

  24. Out of interest don’t you need to do dxc5 before castles? As black doesn’t need to copy castles and can just play cxd4 which white doesn’t have a move to punish. This either forces exd4 (which ruins the system plan for e4) or if cxd4 from white then they will always get an IQP when pushing e4. Then after the recapture black can castle with probably an easier to play position.

  25. Thank you for focusing on strategy, ideas, and model games. It's much more useful to everyone than hours of theoretical moves.

  26. My favorite d4 system. So relaxing to play when I want a break from the highly theoretical d4 c4.

  27. A very nice opening to cover. I really appreciate Stjepan mentioning upfront to play this against d5 systems. It's sort of viable to play this against Nf6, g6 systems but it's simply not as good. That said, people are nowhere near as prepared for this as they are for the London. I used to play the Colle (Koltanowski) with white for a while and it has a lot of venom. There were a few very nice wins with the Bxh7+ Ng5 idea I remember.

  28. "Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent." _Anonymous

  29. Степан, когда ты успел стать стЕпаном?)

  30. Stjepan, at 16:05 you mention 10…b6 (instead of 10…h6) and that the “Greek Gift Sac” Bxh7+ then does not really work well for White, but how exactly would you recommend to play for White after 10…b6, if not 11.e5 Ng4, 12.Bxh7+, Kxh7, 13.Ng5+ Kg8, 14.Qxg4 Qxe5 (and then maybe 15.Nb3 or 15.Qh5) ?

  31. Could you do a vide on the stonewall attack for white pls
    That would be great after the colle system&london system!

  32. Watching you think trough your games has been a huge influence on my progress in chess, just listening/watching you think through these games has had a tremendous positive in fluency. Thank you.

  33. If you can play it slowly, you can play it aggressively.


  35. How many videos are left in the D4 series?

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