The Grünfeld Defence – Chess Openings Explained

Jonathan Schrantz teaches a very theoretical, sharp opening: the Grünfeld Defence. Many lines are deeply explored, with two strong games on display.

Vladimir Kramnik vs Peter Svidler, Dortmund (1998): D86 Gruenfeld, exchange, classical variation
Veselin Topalov vs Alexey Shirov, Morelia-Linares (2008): D89 Gruenfeld, exchange, Sokolsky variation


  1. Plss do the birds opening? My friends play it and I have no idea how to counter it

  2. The opening when hikaru moved his king on move 2

  3. Tennison gambit Nf3 d5 e4, I have good success with it even though it is the most dubious of dubious openings and I have seen the benoni.

  4. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  5. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  6. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  7. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  8. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  9. Please make a video on french defence.
    1-classical variation
    2exchange variation
    3-tarrach variation
    4-advance variation

  10. can you do the scotch gambit? 1e4, e5 2Nf3, Nc6, 3d4, exd4, 4Bc4?, Bc5, 4Ng5!

  11. At 9:43, why not just play Bc3 instead of going back to Be3? That way the d4 is still guarded, and the Queen is prevented from checking again.

  12. Sir can you please make a video of French for white winning . This video is really awesome and helping me a lot . So I have subscribed 😊😊😊😊. Thanks sir for the video

  13. 20:58. Why does black move the bishop? If white captures d3 is hanging.

  14. I love these, they are great and very indepth for the time, but as a new player I wish we explored nooie moves. Like at 8:00 when black goes c5, what if a low rated player just takes? How do I take advantage of this? I understand the pawn structure breaks, the center pawn is lost, but what is the progression for black?

  15. you skipped blacks move, on 39:34 you moved the rook but it was whites turn

  16. can you make a video explaining everything in the queens Indian defense

  17. It's depressing that this guy is rated under 2000. How will I ever get to be a respectable 1700-1800?

  18. Jonathan i really relish your Chess Sessions. Love Watching it. One request Can u make a video on opening in which white first plays G3 Covering all possible Variations in Depth ??For Example G3 D5 , G3 NF6 G3 C5 G3 E5 G3 G6 G3 B6 G3 H5. It will really help .Its by the way called the Hungarian Opening. Moreover I mean what can be its Transpositions ? Pls reply to this Jonathan . Waiting really long

  19. Jonathan i really relish your Chess Sessions. Love Watching it. One request Can u make a video on opening in which white first plays G3 Covering all possible Variations in Depth ??For Example G3 D5 , G3 NF6 G3 C5 G3 E5 G3 G6 G3 B6 G3 H5. It will really help .Its by the way called the Hungarian Opening. Moreover I mean what can be its Transpositions ? Pls reply to this Jonathan . Waiting really long

  20. Why didn't black just take the rook after d5? Is there any reason beyond black not wanting to lose his bishop????????!!


  22. You talk in a very similar cadence as finegold

  23. Drink a glass of water everytime he says "position".

  24. Can Saint Louis Chess Club make an opening playlist? That would really help.

  25. The Williams Gambit 1. e4, d5 2. f4?, dxe

    This I have found to be playable against weaker opponents. It happens in bullet when I pre-move for the King's Gambit and my opponent plays Scandinavian.

  26. Grünfeld was rated something over 2700 in his prime so it's funny that they thought his move sequence was inferior back in the day.

  27. In the Nf3 line black is not obligated to go into the Qa5 and Qxa2 line which I do not like. Instead after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Rb1 O-O 9.Be2 Nc6 If black plays casually with 10.Be3 then 10… Bg4 and if he makes good on his threat of 11.Rxb7, then black liquidates the center with 11… Bxf3 12.Bxf3 cxd4 13.cxd4 Bxd4 14.Bxd4 Nxd4 15.O-O e5 = or white can advance on move 10 with 10. d5 Bxc3 11. Bd2 Bxd2 12. Qxd2 Na5 and black has counterplay in a fine position.

  28. Anyone else think of Ben Finegold watching this guy?

  29. 31:30 What about Qf6? You can win a full Piece there, because the only move that is saving Black here is Be6 (The Rook would then Control the Mating Square g7 but then dxe6 Follows)

  30. Great lecture, thank you! But terrible haircut.

  31. That's the guy who defeated stockfish right ?

  32. Jonathan that time that you hummed the theme song for SLC while it was starting was even more entertainment than Hans Neiman's complete saga 😂

  33. Chess boys don't know that sweet pussy that's coming for their mindbanks

  34. Chess boys don't know that sweet pussy that's coming for their mindbanks

  35. the problem is you never show the lines a normal person would play. you show what black would do as a grandmaster. how do you capitalize if black isnt a grandmaster

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