Top 10 Chess Openings

The most common question I get asked is the top chess openings a player should learn in chess so I thought I’d create a video to answer that question. In semi-order we have:

10. Slav Defense
9. London System
8. Caro Kann
7. Fried Liver Attack
6. French Defense
5. Ruy Lopez
4. Nimzo-Indian Defense
3. King’s Gambit
2. Sicilian Defense
1. Queen’s Gambit


  1. I just spent a year and a half at Central Indiana jails… Please help me win my next week's meals!

  2. So i move a pawn forward 2 spaces. Interesting, interesting 🧐

  3. Grandmaster..I'm the best player I'm undefeated I've beaten everyone no one can beat me…
    Unknown person ..I only know a couple of moves but I'll give you a go…

    Grandmaster is defeated….

  4. this was, so swag. thank you mr thechesswebsite checkmark

  5. 1. Slav Defense – 0:56 (Black)
    2. London System – 1:37 (White)
    3. Caro Kann – 2:25 (Black) <3
    4. Fried Liver Attack – 3:03 (White) <3
    5. French Defense – 4:08 (Black) <3
    6. Ruy Lopez – 5:01 (White)
    7. Nimzo Indian Defense – 5:48 (Black)
    8. King's Gambit – 6:34 (White)
    9. Sicilian's Defense – 7:49 (Black)
    10. Queen's Gambit – 8:46 (White)

    ( <3 means my personal favourite )

  6. I like Stonewall attack (which isn't included in the list but i still found it useful) and London system

  7. …a few more moves into the openings would be good

  8. i was doing a variation of the fried liver opening pretty much every time but without the bishop. its a solid opening that attacks the king right away and gets pieces in good positions regardless of if it actually works

  9. Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew James III Jr. says:

    Thanks Kevin

  10. It gets weirder when you (the viewer) are really good with the game; except your openings are stupid.

  11. Please make top 10 best defensive opening since i am a passive player

  12. That fried liver attack is ruthless, been trying it out today – seems to cause a lot of panic for people that presumably don't know the opening.

  13. Im proud that i managed to learn chess all by myself 🥰

  14. Queen’s Gambit made me want to get good in chess

  15. That's some shitty openings!
    Caro-kann, French, Slav, Kings Gambit, ….
    It's a list of the worst openings availble!

  16. Especially now with that damn show out there hahaha.

  17. in real no opponent reacts to the openings like in the examples lol. at least not at 700-800 lvl

  18. I had no idea Chess was so formulaic. I thought it was more about the strategy of the player, but after watching a few videos like this, it just feels like people memorizing orders to move pieces around on a board just to feel smug about it.

  19. 0:55 Slav Defense (vs D4)
    1:37 London System (D4)
    2:24 Caro Kann (vs E4)
    3:01 Fried Liver Attack (E4)
    4:08 French Defense (vs E4)
    4:59 Ruy Lopez (E4)
    5:47 Nimzo-Indian Defense (vs D4)
    6:33 King's Gambit (E4)
    7:48 Sicilian Defense (vs E4)
    8:45 Queen's Gambit (D4)

  20. Relaxed Spots to Drink Beeer and Weeed says:

    Bro why you moved the Horse if you didn’t have space to make the L move !!!!????!

  21. This is really cool.I am learning new moves out all the time.

  22. I’m 1400 and I don’t know any openings 😂 I thought these were logical and not memorizing

  23. best discovery i made with chess was having the horses by the sides

  24. What if the white moves his pawn to c5, that doesn't look like a good opening for black?

  25. These openings are great to know; two moves (from a beginner’s perspective) doesn’t show how black progresses, what’s the next step… 🤷🏾‍♀️

  26. Stafferd defence is one of the strongest

  27. the fried liver is a variation not opening

  28. Double Queen pawn openings tend to be drawish and mundane.

  29. Just learn e4 openings Italian game, Rui Lopez, Scotch game; d4 openings Russian, and few more; then learn e4 and d4 defense as black: caro kann, french, Sicilian, slav, etc. Finally learn some wing opening and defense.

  30. 6:45 You said "Knight to f4" in king's gambit I think you were suppose to say "pawn to f4"

  31. im so bad at chess, because i dont want to take the time to learn it, and i make my moves after 10seconds of "thinking"
    …and yet i still think ill figure it out
    i am a dumbass

  32. Someone just fore fire bombed NY chess game molotov behind chair after I took a pawn

  33. Soo kings gambit u moved Pawn to F4 but u said Knight

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