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FIDE CM Kingscrusher goes over Top 10 Most Solid Chess Openings vs 1.e4
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FIDE CM Kingscrusher goes over amazing games of Chess every day, with a focus recently on chess champions such as Magnus Carlsen or even games of Neural Networks which are opening up new concepts for how chess could be played more effectively.
The Game qualities that kingscrusher looks for are generally amazing games with some awesome or astonishing features to them. Many brilliant games are being played every year in Chess and this channel helps to find and explain them in a clear way. There are classic games, crushing and dynamic games. There are exceptionally elegant games. Or games which are excellent in other respects which make them exciting to check out. There are also flashy, important, impressive games. Sometimes games can also be exceptionally instructive and interesting at the same time.
Info about Chess Openings:
A chess opening or simply an opening refers to the initial moves of a chess game. The term can refer to the initial moves by either side, White or Black, but an opening by Black may also be known as a defense. There are dozens of different openings, and hundreds of variants. Opening moves that are considered standard (often catalogued in a reference work such as the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings) are referred to as “book moves”, or simply “book”. Reference works often present move sequences in simple algebraic notation, opening trees, or theory tables. When a game begins to deviate from known opening theory, the players are said to be “out of book”. In some opening lines, the moves considered best for both sides have been worked out for twenty to twenty-five moves or more. Some analysis goes to thirty or thirty-five moves, as in the classical King’s Indian Defense and in the Sveshnikov and Najdorf variations of the Sicilian Defense.[2] Professional chess players spend years studying openings, and continue doing so throughout their careers, as opening theory continues to evolve. Players at the club level also study openings but the importance of the opening phase is smaller there since games are rarely decided in the opening. The study of openings can become unbalanced if it is to the exclusion of tactical training and middlegame and endgame strategy.[3]
A new sequence of moves in the opening is referred to as a theoretical novelty. When kept secret until used in a competitive game it is often known as a prepared variation, a powerful weapon in top-class competition.[4]
Aims of the opening
Common aims in opening play
Whether they are trying to gain the upper hand as White, or to equalize as Black or to create dynamic imbalances, players generally devote a lot of attention in the opening stages to the following strategies:[5]
Development: One of the main aims of the opening is to mobilize the pieces on useful squares where they will have impact on the game. To this end, knights are usually developed to f3, c3, f6, and c6 (or sometimes e2, d2, e7, or d7), and both players’ king and queen pawns are moved so the bishops can be developed (alternatively, the bishops may be fianchettoed with a maneuver such as g3 and Bg2). Rapid mobilization is the key. The queen, and to a lesser extent the rooks, are not usually played to a central position until later in the game, when many minor pieces and pawns are no longer present.
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