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🔹 Hidden line in the Italian Game | Crushing Chess Opening for White –
In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will share with you the top 7 chess opening traps to win fast in blitz & bullet! You will learn the interesting and powerful traps for both White and Black from various openings: Italian Game, Caro-Kann, Sicilian, and Queen’s Gambit.
► Chapters
00:00 Best Chess Traps for Blitz & Bullet Games
00:09 Trap-1: Italian Game, Giuoco Piano
03:17 Trap-2: Caro-Kann, Two Knights Variation
05:48 Trap-3: Caro-Kann, Two Knights Variation (again)
06:36 The Evil Laugh
07:22 Trap-4: Italian Game for Black
09:44 Shocking queen sacrifice
10:51 Trap-5: Classical Sicilian Defense (Magnus Trap)
11:51 Tip: Critical f7 and e6 squares
12:25 Trap-6: Queen’s Gambit Accepted
14:05 Trap-7: Queen’s Gambit Accepted (again)
14:35 The Evil Laugh, again!
15:16 3 Steps to 2000 ELO Rating
🤔 About the course “3 Steps to 2000 ELO” 👇
In the past months, we have been working very hard on a comprehensive course that will set you apart from most chess players. We took it so seriously that we even decided to set the goal for you 😊.
The course will help you become a 1st category player and will allow you to reach an ELO rating of 2000 points, or the strength of a player of that caliber.
👇 What will you learn from the course? 👇
a) What are the main things that helped the course’s authors progress up to the 1st category (2000 ELO).
b) What are the most common mistakes of 1200-1500 level players and how to overcome them.
c) Why do lots of players stuck at a certain level, for example, 1500, and never improve after that.
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#GMSmirnov #ChessTraps #OpeningTraps
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