Trapped King! Can You Deliver Checkmate in Just 2 Moves?#chessopenings #chesscom #chesstricks #chess

Think you can checkmate in 2 moves? Put your chess tactics to the test with this tricky puzzle! White is on the attack, but can you find the winning combination in just two moves? ⏱️

Put your chess tactics to the test with this tricky puzzle!
Think you can checkmate in 2 moves? Put your chess tactics to the test with this tricky puzzle! White is on the attack, but can you find the winning combination in just two moves? ⏱️

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  1. Nb6. If Qxb6 then Rc8#. If axb6 then axb5# because of the bishop

  2. Nb6 forced to take with either queen or pawn doesnt really matter if takes with queen then Rc8# if pawn takes axb5, Qa5 only move but Rxa5# is mate in 3 so the first one is the answer

  3. Kb6 If pawn takes then Pawn takes b5, if queen takes rook c8 checkmate

  4. nb6 if qxb6 then rc8 mate. if axb6 then axb5 mate. if this is blacks turn they have mate in two: Qd5 then Kg1 then Qg2 mate.

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