TRICKY Chess Gambit for Black Against 1.d4 [Crush the London System Too!]

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🔹 TRICKY Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4 [Unstoppable Attack] –

â™› Find these Hartlaub-Charlick Gambit variations and games in this blog-post –

If you are an aggressive chess player but not sure how to deal with the White’s first move 1.d4, when your opponents try to play the Queen’s Gambit or the London System, this video lesson is right for you!

In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you an unusual and tricky chess opening gambit called the Hartlaub-Charlick Gambit from the Englund Gambit, which happens after the moves 1.d4 e5 2.dxe5 d6. Your first move 1…e5 stops 2.Bf4, therefore your opponents cannot play the London System anymore.

Watch the full video lesson as Igor presents to you the main opening setup for Black, common middlegame plan, and how to execute those plans in different variations. You will also learn what to do when your opponents do not accept the gambit and play some deviating variations.

â–º Chapters

00:00 Aggressive Chess Opening for Black Against 1.d4
00:14 Englund Gambit: Hartlaub-Charlick Gambit
01:02 Black’s main plan in this gambit opening
01:44 1) Tricky trap wins the White queen
02:16 2) If White covers their queen with Bd2
03:56 3) If White plays h3
04:59 4) If White plays early Bg5
06:28 5) If White tries to castle queenside
07:20 Nasty queen sacrifice leads to checkmate
08:28 6) If White plays g3 and Bg2
10:10 7) If White plays Bb5 pinning the knight
12:01 8) If White plays h3 before castling
13:46 9) If White plays 2.d5 (instead of 2.dxe5)
14:42 10) If White does not play 3.exd6
16:35 11) If White plays 3.Bf4 (for advanced players)
17:38 12) If White plays 2.c4
18:28 Key chess positional rule

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