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🔹 Most Common Chess Opening MISTAKE | Key Tactical Pattern –
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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares with you a tricky chess opening for Black against 1.e4. What’s interesting about this opening is that it is very solid even though it’s a lot trickier (since most of the tricky chess openings are unsound if your opponents play the right moves).
It is the Kholmov Gambit from the Damiano Variation of the Petrov’s Defense which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4 4.Qe2 Qe7, where Black just copies/mimics White’s moves. However, it’s a lot trickier than one can imagine!
► Chapters
00:00 Tricky Chess Opening Gambit For Black Against 1.e4
00:32 Petrov’s Defense: Damiano Variation, Kholmov Gambit
02:02 Trap-1: Exploiting the pin on the e-file
03:17 Trap-2: If White defends the pawn with 8.f4
05:49 Trap-3: If White gives up the e5-pawn
07:56 Trap-4: If White plays 6.Qa4+
08:31 Trap-5: If White plays Qxe5 instead of dxe5
10:16 Beware of this checkmate trap
11:23 If White doesn’t play 3.Nxe5
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► Chapters
00:00 Tricky Chess Opening Gambit For Black Against 1.e4
00:32 Petrov's Defense: Damiano Variation, Kholmov Gambit
02:02 Trap-1: Exploiting the pin on the e-file
03:17 Trap-2: If White defends the pawn with 8.f4
05:49 Trap-3: If White gives up the e5-pawn
07:56 Trap-4: If White plays 6.Qa4+
08:31 Trap-5: If White plays Qxe5 instead of dxe5
10:16 Beware of this checkmate trap
11:23 If White doesn't play 3.Nxe5
awesome content as always keep up the hard work
thanks 🫡😁😁
and pls recognize me 😳😳😳😳😳😳
This is one crazy gambit! I’ve played it once or twice and blew my opponents away! It’s even more surprising that it is engine reccomended to temporarily sacrifice the knight!
I allways like to play the Damiano Variation with the socalled Kholmov Gambit, but white can deviate in many ways and its not so easy to play without Queens on the board. the great benefit is, that you learn to attack without the queen and with a pawn down.
It is a pity that in 6:13 white does not castle, but plays Nc3, and after black plays 0-0-0 white plays Bf4 and is practically winning. Igor knows this too, of course.
I've learned so much from your videos, Igor. I almost feel guilty crushing my opponent using your openings. Almost 😀 It almost seems unfair, but hey, it's their fault for not watching your videos 😀 This will be my next black opening once I finish crushing them using your last video's opening. What kind of rating should you have if you want to apply for working with you?
Omg this is amazing! Thanks for sharing! Just tried it a couple of times and won both times xD (after 10 skips due to opponent not going Nf3 as second move xD)
Very fun, good and recommended :3
If white change queens and plays lame, your game will be very tought.
You are an engine🎉🎉
Thanks a lot Igor for this soo interesting Kholov Gambit! 😊👍♟
I beat a 2000 today! I know that nobody cares but I'm only 1200 ELO. best game ever 😁💪
11:50 as a pawn, I am very confused.
2:50 is actually a brilliant move because en passant is forced winning whites queen! That's pretty genius not gonna lie.
The problem is, I always forget the variation after 5th move 😮 and continue play who I am.
Very interesting! Only problem I see is if white declines the Petrof and plays Nc3 into a boring 4 knights. Do you have any tricks against that?
What is the answer if white goes for Cochrane Gambit with 4.Nxf7?
Very good.
What uf white goes h3 to chase of the bishop or trap it?
What if white goes back Nf3?
Thanks dear
Tried this, but do not capture the pawn with the knight until black bishop arrives
Hello Sir! Can You Please look into the Lativa Gambit for Black…Please😁
Thank you i don't know before the trick with the queen in the same position as the other queen.Look really interesting!
Man I love this channel so much. No 30 min breakdowns, just straight to the point in a way you can really learn.
I played this with the AI and none of it worked
Because they went Qf3 or Qh5
Anyways, they just outsmarted me and it’s not at all as your video goes
Seems like white could scuttle black's attack on d1 at 4:30 by moving the bishop back to e2.
паренек балдеет от своего произношения. дай ему пятак-он спляшет и не так
Since the issues in this line revolve around the undefended queen, the simplest for white is 8. Nc3. Now black has nothing better than 8…Qxe5; 9. Qxe5+ Nxe5; 10. Nb5 Bb4+; 11. c3 Ba5; 12 Bf4 f6, after which has white has secured a long-lasting advantage. Gata Kamsky and Eric Hansen have some games in this line that I would regard as compulsory viewing if you plan to play it for either side. It is noteworthy that the video studiously avoids giving any early Nc3 lines. It is the best scoring move in almost every position in the first half of the video!
Maybe I need to add this to my repertoire. I have been playing d6 Nf6 c6 as you recommended with fine results, but this is a bit more ambitious and certainly one more thing for opponents to worry about. Also, there's no Cochrane Gambit after Nxe4 😀
1 mn 47 s : Qa4+. Did you think of this variant ?
6. f4 is a nice defence for white
What if after …f5, plays Qe2? After …f4, Qh5+ Kd8, Nc3 black king is in trouble.
I have been playing this Opening for 50 years and have been championing it for over 30 years.
A played a lot of games of this variation. In variation which starts around 8:30 I can tell that after queen trade a better move for black is Bf5. I won many games with this variation. Thanks for spoiling kholmov gambit lol 😀
Another great video!
What's the best response if white plays 5.d3 after both knights take both e file pawns?
No line if queen takes in f5 at 2:49 ?