ULTIMATE Opening Tier List For White

This is the ULTIMATE Opening Tier List For White

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  1. the giuoco piano variation is full of traps for black (Italian's gambit, Evan's gambit, also fegatello) so is better for black to not playing bishop c5

  2. Bro screw you birds opening is the best

  3. missing the best opening of all time the Scottish

  4. bruh to the untitled 2300 bullet players but 1700 blitz players like me

  5. I play Nf3 and then play the queens gambit😂😂😂😮😮

  6. 1. b3 is better than the Polish stop trolling

  7. Where intercontal ballistic missile gambit

  8. Just make normal video, i couldnt watch it

  9. I like O-ills gambit for black (when white didnt play e4)Otherwise we put our pawn to b5 and we lose a pawn(if it isnt e4 then safely my fav pawn Pb7-b5 i know normaly there isnt letters for pawns but id ont care😂

  10. White King are u crazy alomst worst opening🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. 5:04
    “Megaphone, telephone, gianluigi buffon”
    Truly inspiring words

  12. For a super dry subject this was hilarious

  13. So basically
    A teir = best/ S teir and S teir= below F teir not confusing at all

  14. "Who gave you rights period?"
    The White King said to the Black one

  15. Sodium Opening is the best opening to defeat Eugene

  16. This man realy studied English opening because I watch it

  17. So why doesn't the black team create their own tier list?

  18. What does Buffon have to do with this😭😭😭

  19. I disagree with a lot of these. Queen's fianchetto and Polish are actually solid sideline openings that can completely throw black off and they don't end in bad positions. Van Geet opening is basically nothing on its own but its purpose is more to transpose into other openings that Black might otherwise have an easy time preventing with e4 and d4.

    I think the Evans Gambit is a bit overrated too because while it's not often seen at GM level anymore it's also not good for newer players either because there's a lot of theory and if white goes wrong, they're just down a pawn with a worse position. Yeah your position starts off looking phenomenal but unless black is careless and just get checkmated within 10 move, it won't always end up that way.

    On the Ruy Lopez: I think the knowledge required at lower levels to play this is overrated. 80% of the time, you will either end up in the Steinitz line or the Marshall line. People don't often play the sidelines at lower levels. The plans in the Ruy Lopez are also very simple and so a lot of the best moves will come naturally for those several straightforward plans.

    Bird is treated harshly. It's dubious at all levels but I've had success playing the Dutch variation. You can lose spectacularly but if your opponent isn't aggressive they can get into a miserable position.

  20. This might be clone like part 193 if you didnt watch it watch it right now

  21. my bro is 3105 elo he is 39 years me 24 MSGM

  22. The sarragoza opening is kinda actually decent ngl

  23. Finally someone who doesn't hate on the london system lol

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