Why Beginners Should NOT Play This Opening

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares his observations on why most of the chess players (especially beginners and intermediates) are not able make further progress and how they are just one skill away from becoming an advanced-level player (reaching 1800 or 2000 ELO).

One of the main reasons is that they play chess openings that don’t give them any attacking opportunities. In other words, their choice of opening is very passive.

For example, most chess players fear early queen attacks or the Fried Liver Attack after White plays 1.e4. Hence, they play an opening like Caro-Kann Defense which can help them defend against such early attacks, but do not give them any attacking opportunities especially against stronger opponents.

► Chapters

00:00 1 Key Skill Most Chess Players Don’t Know
00:20 How to counter 1.e4 as Black?
01:36 The problem with the Caro-Kann Defense
03:39 What’s the point when you can’t attack?
05:29 So, what to play against 1.e4 as Black?
06:15 Countering your opponent’s early opening tricks
08:05 How to counter the Fried-Liver Attack?

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