Win Fast In Chess With This Sneaky Opening (Max Lange Attack) ASMR

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Many thanks to AD Drage and Ruffy for making these chapters!

00:00 intro
01:00 BISHOP F5 (pawn takes)
8:06 bishop f5 (bishop takes)
10:43 knight defends
16:48 pawn defends
22:00 KNIGHT C6 (bishop takes) (transposition)
25:23 knight takes
31:24 pawn takes
39:15 knight hides
49:00 KNIGHT F6
50:30 Urosov Gambit


  1. At minute 13:37, I think it would be better to go Qd5+ than Qh5+ because Qh5+ black will go Ke6 to keep the bishop and the game will be a bit more difficult for white.

  2. 20:23 I think you should play Rf6, black plays gxf6, then white plays Bxf6+, white checks and catches the black car, white is 1 knight better than black

  3. For a more alchemical effect, you should have worn gloves (red, black, gray, or any color).

  4. i love hearing all your saliva in your mouth…wtf

  5. the only problem with this channel is that its so relaxing that i get sleepy and dont learn anything

  6. You speak softly but you know your stuff.

  7. Good video. Nice effect and choice of speech style.

    Anticipate but be ready to adapt to any situation.

    Apply the right amount of leverage at the right time and the right place.

  8. It reminds me of a lot of kings gambit positions I've had lately — I'm falling in love with the king's gambit

  9. Thank you very much, this video helped me a lot♥️

  10. (wisper) hey you can tell us loudly to how to win silentl.😅…

  11. He made 2 moves with white in a row without moving black right before the 5 minute mark. Btw idk if you know this but that's not how the game works.

  12. I was starung ao confised at first and then i was like "oh wow that was a turn around"

  13. This only works if you're playing a real beginner who knows how the pieces move but has absolutely no game plan. I hate playing like this. If i try a very basic move and my opponent doesn't know how to defend it then i dont wanna play anymore.

  14. What if they play the queen F6 instead of a knight

  15. "how to win fast at chess " video length 1.00.00

  16. I crossed my eyes and watched in 3-D.

  17. I wanted to try this right off the bat but they played the Scandinavian which started off bad for me but i quickly changed that around and checkmated in 23 moves taking a free rook and traded a knight for a queen

  18. Thank you sir for the great video
    I really very excited

  19. Sorry sir, I was just watching your video, but why would Black move his pawn from G7 to G6 and sacrifice his bishop? (approximately time 13:40) I think that the king would rather be moved from F7 to E6 where black does not sacrifice a chess piece…

    And I really understand that this is just one of the many tutorials that are posted on Youtube but you make the white player look so strong… but what strikes me is meanwhile you make the black player look like a beginner… I'm not trying to offend, but it doesn't seem entirely realistic to me… because most chessplayers I know try to find an opponent equal to themselfes…

  20. Main catur menggunakan seni , atau memang metodenya seperti itu

  21. I will study this on my chess board tomorrow. Thank you 😊

  22. after my 1st move {king's pawn to E4) black only moved their pawn up 1 square to E6. seems like this defeated my attack before it began. Is there a solution for this?

  23. Dude just predicted the exact move I'm thinking

  24. Excellent sir this is first time to watch no one teach as you really marvelous amazing but one questions to you please show the moves of rooks and knights

  25. Wow!!!! So much information, can’t wait to play it with my friends. Thank you! Thank you!

  26. Can you show me black opening options!?

  27. This guy is the best chess teacher I have seen on line. He goes slow and explains many variations to each trap.

  28. So I tried this in the analysis when pawn defends on d6 @ 16:48 f4xf5, f6xf5 after bg5, black can actually castle and it’s fine. All the moves I’ve played, black somehow makes counter threats and comes out ahead the best white could do was draw. Then again I’m not a good player so take what I say with a grain of salt. Try it out your self’s on analysis. but everything else was pretty cool love the opening traps and stuff and a very informative video

  29. What the opponent tries to move their night at first

  30. I normally open d5 on black. How would you counter this? Normally white captures d5 black captures d5 with their queen and white threatens Black's queen with their knight to c3. Black will follow with queen to e6 checking whites king. After white might offer a queen trade or block the queen with their bishop or either knight. After this i normally aim castle on kings side. I like what you've shown but could you show us how a game might go if you're met with a queen's pawn at opening?

  31. The first ASMR Chess video thar reaced 1 milion views 🎉 congratiulations on reaching this milestone. Also fun to see that it almost exactly matches with the 10-year channel aniversary 🎉

  32. I am the 1,001,1001 viewer of this video, I have mastered binary code

  33. Your voice is tickling my brain. I can't concentrate with your tips 🥹👌

  34. Ladies and gentleman, I am proud to announce…

    We did it!

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